Do Hard Things : 2021 Planning - Part 3

Do Hard Things : 2021 Planning - Part 3

In the first email for this 2021 planning I want to ask you to think about one question.

Do you know what energizes you? Not talking about an 8oz chug of caffeine, but the feeling you get when you are filled up with joy and electricity or a sense of peace and deep warmth within you? Think about what you were doing, who you were with, the smells, and the scenery.

Spend time sitting with this question. It's one of the most important questions I've had to ask myself when I do a little self-reflection. Sleep fuels me, my kids and their funny personalities, going on a run, being still in nature, eating good food I've cooked, and spending time alone with my husband fuel me.

Jot down a list of all the things that fuel you. Now, how can you actively bring these things into your daily and weekly routines? Maybe it's scheduling out some time for self-care or making a routine with a friend to get together every other week. Take your time and remember that making space for what fuels you is a necessary part of healthy living.

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Do Hard Things: Establishing Self-Care

Do Hard Things: Establishing Self-Care

Do Hard Things : 2021 Planning - Part 2

Do Hard Things : 2021 Planning - Part 2