When Women Are For One Another...

When Women Are For One Another...

Earlier this year we launched our When Women collection that featured one of our favorite quotes from the Ramble manifesto.

When women are for one another, worlds can change, and where sincere friendship exists, insecurity and loneliness cannot survive.

I believe this with my whole heart! And I know so many women are in desperate need of this reminder — including myself!

Owning a small business can be draining (I talked about the struggles of burnout and grief in my last blog post and in a recent episode of The Ramble On Show). I wanted to do something intentional that embodied the heart of Ramble and lived out our Ramble Manifesto.

From the launch of the When Women collection until May 31, 2024, we dedicated 10% of sales to the When Women Fund which was specifically created to support a woman in need. We invited our followers on our social media to nominate women that was currently experiencing a crisis, whether financial, health, relational, loss, work…really anything that has placed an unexpected burden on them.

We loved hearing the whys behind everyone’s purchases — so many bulk purchases for friends and family members who needed a little extra reminder that we’re in this together.

At the beginning of June we assembled a panel of women to help us in the difficult task of selecting a recipient of these funds from our nominations. We read through heart breaking stories of loss, grief, and impossible situations until we selected one recipient.

We selected Kristal Mullholand to receive funds from our When Women Collection. Here is a little more about her story:

Kristal has battled cancer for over 8 years. In late 2021 it progressed to stage 4. She has been doing weekly chemo for the past 2 years. Simultaneously caring for her family - her husband, and 2 boys (now 13 and 10). She works 2 jobs and also leads our Bible study fellowship.

Her recent scans in April showed the cancer has progressed and she does not have many medical options. She will now be trying to fight via homeopathic protocols.

Though the accounts of these women were overwhelming, we were encouraged by the words written by friends, sisters, co-workers, and community members who took the time to advocate for these women. Whether the nominees were not alone. They had people in their corner supporting and fighting alongside them in some of the darkest moments of their lives.

Wherever life finds you, we hope you start to see the people in your corner.

the ramble on show is back

the ramble on show is back