ramble box || no one is keeping score

Hey friends! Here is the reveal of our January Ramble Box which is NOT for sale. This means that you can no longer purchase this shirt. The Ramble Box tee is exclusive to those who sign up for the box during that month, but we love to show you the designs and a little about “why” this design was chosen!


No one is keeping score.

Take a moment and think about what this means. No one is keeping score. Say it to yourself again. No-one-is-keeping-score. Our 2020 Ramble Boxes are all about mantras to live by and this is what I have been feeling deeply. Two phrases keep going through my mind during this season: no one is watching and no one is keeping score. You guys, this is easy to say to others but for me, and maybe you, hard to truly believe.

The reality is, we beat ourselves up for things that don’t matter like we believe they do on a daily basis.

We don’t get all the laundry done, so we mark it as a fail.
Breakfast dishes still in the sink—fail.
Haven’t climbed to the top of the corporate ladder—fail.
Stayed home all day keeping kids alive and the house is messy when the hubs gets home—fail.


As a mom to three girls, I am keenly aware that I do not want them to have this kind of internal dialogue. Should we be polite and have manners when taking action and living our lives? Of course. Should we hold back and filter our lives because of the one friend on Facebook who might think it’s silly or takes offense? NO FREAKING WAY. Friends, we’ve all got our quirks and flaws and mistakes. Nobody has a perfect score, and if they are acting like it, that’s an obvious sign that something isn’t quite right. It’s time to stop feeling like you aren’t enough. You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You are strong. You are courageous. You have permission to just be you. Wear this shirt and please, please, please, remember-—no one is keeping score.

You can sign up for our next box (April) starting April 1st.

trust the journey

trust the journey

love where you are

love where you are