ramble box || april box reveal
It’s that time! As you know, our ramble box is an exclusive subscription box. We do not sell this tee anywhere else or at any other point. We love a good surprise and we are over the moon about how excited the box subscribers were when they signed up! We know everyone has received their box and we are finally able to share with YOU the contents of what was in our April Ramble Box.
In January our Ramble Box theme was "Do Hard Things." I shared with you all the reason behind choosing out theme and overall, I need to be challenged to do harder things. I easily weasel my way out of something that will be hard or painful, but since January, I’ve done so many things that have pushed me further than ever.
Did it suck? Yes, at times. Do I feel stronger because of it? Heck yes.
This months theme is "Love Where You Are." Recently, I’ve been sucked into wanting more, more, more. More for my life and for my work which leads to rushing into the next big thing. With driving over 3,000 miles in April to shows, selling shirts and spending many days away from my kids it hit me smack dab in the middle of the chaos- I need to love where I am.
I am reaching for things that will come with time, and a combination of perseverance and patience. It is a process that I am quick to be bored with. But, I am slowing down and taking the time to think more about all the things I’m thankful for in life and business versus always wanting more.
I know we aren’t always happy with where we are in life RIGHT NOW but here’s the thing. This is WHERE WE ARE RIGHT NOW. It won't last forever, whether it is a busy season, an exhausting one, or too mundane. Be patient with yourself and seek to love where you are.
What People are Saying:
“I received the ramble box today, and man, did it hit home. I’ve been struggling with the “what if’s” in life and have missed so much life happening in front of me. Thank you for the constant reminder of living in the present, choosing joy every day, and loving where I am. ”
“Hi! My Ramble Box arrive today, and I just wanted you to know it really resonated with me. The “Behind the Design” note - ah - well let’s just say, I could have written it. How comforting to know that there are others in the same boat (which I Imagine is a very large boat!). Thank you for an awesome reminder that I can wear each week to remind myself to love where I am - no matter which season of life it may be. So awesome. ( Not to mention - it’s so pretty!! )”
How it Works:
The Ramble Box will be released quarterly and can be bought individually or yearly (big savings). We will have 4 boxes per year, see the schedule below:
January Box: Available for purchase January 1, 2019 - January 31, 2019. Boxes will ship on or before February 15th. SENT (and can not be purchased)
April Box: Available for purchase April 1, 2019 - April 30, 2019. Boxes will ship on or before May 15th. SENT (and can not be purchased)
July Box: Available for purchase July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019. Boxes will ship on or before August 15th.
October Box: Available for purchase October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019. Boxes will ship on or before November 15th.
Note: We will have the yearly box for sale every month, however, you will NOT be able to purchase individual boxes (January, April, July and October) outside of the allotted time frame. See schedule above.
July 1, 2019 - July 15, 2019 - $35
July 16, 2019 - July 31, 2019 - $40
(July single boxes go on sale July 1st!) You can purchase full year at any point.