The Ramble Box : July 2020
Hey friends! We have another Ramble Box reveal for you! At the beginning of the year, I thought I had a theme for each box and then you know, the pandemic happened. During this time I have had to sit with my emotions while trying to keep our business going and relevant to the drastic change our world is going through and it's been an uphill climb.
Behind the Design :
Friends. I think we can all nod our heads in agreement with the fact that this year isn’t getting easier. More decisions, more opinions, and absolutely no clear answer on many topics including, but not limited to:
As a result, I've caught myself disagreeing with a friend or family member before I began to realize, their path is not the same as mine. Their decisions are just that as well- they are theirs and my opinion is mine. As we move through this year I want to hit a small pause and encourage you to reflect on this year. Think about your feelings and emotions, wrestle with them, and then find the gratitude you can as you remember that you get to be here, alive on this earth. Think about YOUR story, YOUR opinions and YOUR decisions that you are being faced with. We can choose to live in fear and get bogged down by anger in the midst of the unknown, but we can also sit with it for a bit and then look ahead.
I want to encourage you to dream a little. If your past was so wonderful then think about the good ole’ days. If you see room for improvement in your routine and your mindset then I say, dream on. Write your story. Put into action the decisions you know are best for you and if applicable, your family.
Great news! We have extras of the “extras” in this box and have those up for sale on the site now! The cup and roller is so much fun! Click here to find our more about those products.
The rollers are filled with essential oils, either in grapefruit lime or spearmint, and meant to be rolled onto your wrist and/or neck. We love these scents as a little pick-me-up to wake up and liven the senses as we start the day or to add a refreshing scent to surround us when we need a little boost.