ramble box || october reveal

ramble box || october reveal

Free to Focus

We are excited to announce our final Ramble Box design of 2019. The intention behind each design has challenged me personally throughout the year as it has challenged me to stop, reflect on the current season, and see what stands out. Looking back on the Ramble Box designs of this year, it has been incredibly uplifting to watch camaraderie and encouragement blossom into different circles of community from phrases that have been the most impactful to me. It continually reminds me that we are not alone, that there are people all over this beautiful world who can relate to pieces of our stories and stand along side us in understanding.

Standing at the end of this year and looking back, I see so much growth. Personal growth, the growth of my girls and family, of self and the growth of our business. We have experiences a wave of new challenges and the only reason we have been able to grow from them is because of our willingness to be Free to Focus. There have been moments throughout this year when feelings of discouragement and doubt creep into my creative process or ability to love others or problem-solve. I’ve had to take the intentional time to free myself from those heavy thoughts in order to focus.

I have realized that beneath all of the previous designs, has been focus. It has been focusing on the goal of being more self-aware that has enabled me to Do Hard Things. Focus to slow down and be deeply rooted in each season, no matter how much I want to add to it that freed me to Love Where You Are. And lastly, Focus on what I am feeling and thinking so that I can take better care of myself and others that equipped me to Do The Work.

Focus has been the rich soil that has produced the growth of my life this year. Once you realize what needs to change, when you decide what you want to do differently, or you understand how you can better yourself, you have to Focus on the goals you have set before you if you want to achieve them.

My deep hope is that this design will encourage you to free yourself of the heavy voices of doubt or shame that hold you back from your ability to focus on your growth. Maybe this design will even reveal to you the ways you have (maybe unknowingly) committed to focusing and choosing your goals. Maybe you’ve been turning off those voices and pushing through shame and you haven’t even realized it yet.

Wherever you are in your journey at the end of this year, I hope you will enter into the holidays and the new year feeling Free to Focus. Because your heart, your people, your life are worth setting your gaze on.

Learn more about our ramble box! Our next available month to purchase will be in January!

slow down. look around

slow down. look around

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