the seed was planted.
My parents married in 1981 and when asked why he moved to Charlie, Texas to become a farmer, my dad always responds with a crooked smile and chuckle and says, “he wasn't smart enough to do anything else.” He’s mistaken. He learned how to work the land, tilling the soil and sowing seeds, rejoicing with each bountiful crop. But most importantly, he taught me and my siblings lessons that no classroom could teach.
My father taught us how to work hard and to not quit until the job was done. We worked from sun up to sun down, my dad leading by being an example of the perseverant farmer he is.
Photo by Sarah Lanette Photography
Set a goal and tackle it.
I don't remember by dad verbalizing his goals to us, but I saw how he had to complete one step to get to the next. For example, months of patience pass from the time when the land is prepped to when you finally get to enjoy the fruits of all your hard work and labor. I watched my dad work daily for months at a time without immediate rewards, but rather, with hope and dedication for the task at hand. During this time of patience and hard work, you begin to see small rewards. The seeds begin to sprout through the dirt, the leaves form, and buds begin to blossom.
So are the days of patience and hard work in creating a business. I started this entrepreneurial journey 9 years ago and it has resulted in many tears, late nights printing, and waking long before the sun comes up to complete one small step in the bigger journey.
I've always known I wanted this screen printing business to become something bigger. I haven't always known or imagined my 5 year and 10 year goals, but I do know how to accumulate and set small goals that lay the path to reach the bigger one. I recently had someone tell me that they enjoy hearing how I set a small goal and then by the next time we speak, I've accomplished the very thing I was talking about. I think the reason why this is easy for me is because I saw it happen my entire childhood, this is what my father taught me.
Take away.
Work really hard for your dream. The success and fulfillment of the end goal doesn't come immediately. You have to sew the seeds and nurture your business over time to see the rewards.
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